Cognitive: |
Yes |
No |
1. Finds hidden or partially hidden objects |
2. Touches different textures such as paper, grass, food and doesn't mind being messy |
3. Brings feet to the mouth |
4. Plays peek a boo |
5. Plays with a single toy 2-4 minutes |
6. Tracks object horizontally and vertically |
7. Looks at familiar people when named |
8. Takes two, then three objects when offered |
9. Looks for familiar voices and sounds or words |
10. Looks at a picture book |
Speech: |
Yes |
No |
11. Shouts for attention |
12. Babbles to people |
13. Reacts to music |
14. Waves or responds to greetings such as hi and bye |
15. Baba sounds |
16. Plays interactively with games like peek a boo with a small towel or hands |
Gross Motor: |
Yes |
No |
17. Sits with support or independently |
18. Rolls back to side or belly |
19. Bears some, or all weight on legs |
20. Lifts head when lying on the back |
21. Stands holding on |
22. Beginning to crawl forward |
Fine Motor: |
Yes |
No |
23. Grasp object with palm of hand |
24. Builds a tower with 2 blocks, starting to understand balance |
25. Puts objects in a container |
26. Picks up objects using thumb and pointer finger together |
27. Bangs objects on a table |
28. Crumple up paper |
Social/Emotional: |
Yes |
No |
29. Lifts arms to caregivers |
30. Cooperates in games such as pat a cake or peek a boo |
31. Explores environment enthusiastically |
32. Shows others toys or objects, but not releasing |
33. Smiles at mirror image |
Self Help: |
Yes |
No |
34. Sleeps nights 8-12 hours, may awaken for feedings |
35. Naps 2-3 times per day, lasting 1-4 hours each time |
36. Holds food source, such as a bottle or cup |
37. Munches on solid foods, can finger feed self |
38. Drinks from an open cup held for them |