Helping Babies and Tots in Their Development

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Please answer all questions.
If there is an answer that you don't know, please answer "no".

Cognitive: Yes No
1. Knows over five animal and animal sounds upon request
2. Can place a triangle and square in a puzzle or shape sorter
3. Recognizes self and familiar family members in a photo
4. Explores tactile books and can turn pages one at a time
5. Plays with different textures, paints, sand and water
6. Helps clean up and knows where basic things go
7. Gives "one" out of several objects upon request
Speech: Yes No
8. Uses approximately 50 words or more in their vocabulary spontaneously, but consistently
9. Uses words such as "I", "me", "my", and "mine"
10. Uses size words such as big and little
11. Names 5-8 pictures in a book upon request
12. Sings phrases of songs
13. Uses past tense (-ed) at the end of words
Gross Motor: Yes No
14. Jumps in place with both feet leaving the ground
15. Go on the swings and down the slide at the park
16. Catch a large ball
17. Rides a tricycle
18. Walk upstairs and downstairs independently
19. Jumps from a slight incline
Fine Motor: Yes No
20. Imitate a horizontal stroke in drawing
21. Fold paper in half after demonstration
22. Builds a tower with 6-7 blocks approximately one inch cubes
23. Snips with scissors
Social/Emotional: Yes No
24. Holds parents hands outdoors
25. Is shy to strangers
26. Participates in pretend play activities
27. Is showing independent behaviors
28. Values own property
29. Follows a one or two step direction in the same room
Self Help: Yes No
30. Pulls pants up and down with assistance
31. Helps clean up
32. Puts shoes on with assistance
33. Brushes teeth with assistance
34. Handles fragile objects carefully
35. Understands danger
36. Sleeps 10-15 hours daily

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